Minggu, 17 Februari 2013

My dream IS still a dream ...

Good night everyone here…

Long time no see you guys. Wait a moment, when the first and the last time we met? The answer is NEVER. Haha… who cares ? I just post what I want to post.

I have new experience about English competition yesterday. But I won’t tell you now. Because I have something in my heart which comes suddenly and hit my heart. What is it ?

Senin, 04 Februari 2013

Bandung & Annual English Competition 5 (Part 2)

At 05:00 AM in Saturday, January 26th 2013

I woke up and went to bathroom. I loved Bandung, that morning was same like the last time I was there. The water was still fresh like ice water. And that time I remembered the first time I was there.