Minggu, 10 Agustus 2014

My Journey at Kriya Mandiri Selection - Pengalaman Seleksi Kriya Mandiri 2014

Hello guys!

How are you today? on this quiet Sunday, I will share my little story at Kriya Mandiri Selection. Actually this is a late post, because Kriya Mandiri selection that I joined was started around a month ago, exactly at June 25th 2014. But it has many parts in some weeks, thus I planned to write it in an article, then everyone can read whole of my journey in Kriya Mandiri selection until I am chosen to be a part of them in Kriya Mandiri program.

Before telling you about  my journey, let me write a short preface about -what Kriya Mandiri is-, Kriya Mandiri is an internship program from Bank Mandiri (a big bank in Indonesia) that’s available for graduates of  Senior High School until Bachelor Degree. The duration is around 3 years,  and  they are divided per year in the contract. Along the internship, the participants will get knowledge and experience in bank field as well as the ‘salary’ that is called as pin money. It is almost same like working, but I think it is more interesting than just working because there will be some subjects to be learnt by us, the subjects that will be used in bank field, wherever we are.

The steps of the test  to be participant of Kriya Mandiri :
1.       Walk in interview (1st and 2nd interview)
2.       Psycho-test
3.       Final interview
4.       Medical check up
Let’s start my story…

My name is Siti Rahmah Hanifa, you may call me Hany. I am a really fresh-graduate of Vocational High School in a small town, Cibinong-Bogor. I was born at June 20th 1996 which it means that just now, I have been 18 years old. I completed my education at 2014, I passed the three years really well by getting some achievements, such as being the 3rd, 2nd, and 1st rank in the class, getting the highest score for National Examination, winning some competitions  and being the representative of Bogor in the prestigious event called as Indonesia International Film and Festival 2013, Komodo Island. (wanna know more? Just read here).

After completing my school, I planned to go to university by the scholarships. But, I wasn’t born for those plans. I failed for some, but I didn’t really failed.  God had His way to show the best thing for me, then, I changed my mind. I was seeking for job and I found the information of Kriya Mandiri program intuitively from Facebook fanpage. It was walk-in-interview at Mandiri Building, Plaza Bapindo, south of Jakarta for teller position.

June 25th 2014, I went there by motorcycle.  I didn’t ride it, but someone brought me there. Someone who gave his full support for this, he is my lover. Along the way, we talked each other. He advised many things for interview session that those really helped me. Allah blessed me that day, we could pass many obstacles, such as we were freed from ‘almost getting ticket’, we could come on time (I entered to the Mandiri Building exactly at 8.00 o’clock). If I had been late, I would have been rejected to enter, because it happened to others who came late that day.

The first impression when I had been at the 8th floor was… Korean Drama…
‘this is like in the atmosphere in I Hear Your Voice’, *actually I am not Korean addicted, but that drama must be watched! That is awesome Korean Drama. Why did I remember it at glance? Because the place that I was there was almost same like a scene on that drama. A crowded room around 100 persons in, all of them looked so professional and cool, and I was one of them. As a fresh-graduated, that atmosphere was cool, because that was the 1st experience in the job-seeking-world for me.

Before the interview session, there was a short briefing in a big crowded room. That time, I was a kind of lucky person there, some people could not sit because there were too many persons there, but I could, in front of the speaker. He explained us about what Kriya Mandiri was, what will we get as participants, such as salary and other benefits. In the room, I felt as the younger ones, because most people around me were older 3 or 4 years than me.

That day, interview session was divided into 2 parts. The first  was joint-interview and the second was personal interview.
-          Prepare yourself by browsing about common question in interview, especially for bank
-          Exercise talking in front of the mirror as if you are being interviewed
-          Pray
-          You must “sell” yourself In the interview sessions! 
-          Create good impression for the interviewer!
-          Do not be awkward person by showing your nerves!
-          Show that you have professional character from your eyes and your remark.
-          And the last one is, BE DIFFERENT!!!

In the joint interview, 8 until 10 persons were called to the room. There were 3 interviewers with one same question. The one question was : please introduce yourself. As I remember, I was the 9th among 10 candidates. All of them introduced themselves by Indonesian. And when my turn came, I asked their permission to introduce myself in English (that’s what I said about being different).
A moment after that, we were informed about pass or not for facing the 2nd interview. Alhamdulillaah I passed it successfully.

In the second interview, a handsome friendly man interviewed me.  J his name is Mr. Alex. He interviewed me by English. I really loved that moment, I really enjoyed the interview session. I think, it was not an interview for a bank, but it was more likely sharing about my life to him, more about my character and my life. There was no question about my knowledge about bank, where actually I had browsed many things about Bank. But, for your information, it was a kind of lucky thing, because other candidates were asked many things about bank. Thus, preparation is necessary! After the interview session, Mr. Alex let me go home and asked me for waiting the announcement within 7 days.


June 30th 2014, 5 days after the test, Bank Mandiri texted me, they recommended me to attend the psycho-test at July 2nd 2014 at Bank Mandiri Taman Ismail Marzuki near Cikini.

even though Bank Mandiri cooperates with SHL Indonesia for psycho-test, but in Kriya Mandiri Program, there will be just Pauli test.
-          You should exercise Pauli Test before
-          Do not forget to pray!
-          In the test, you must be confident
-          Focus, focus and focus
-          Do not give up just because of too many numbers that you see in front of you!
-          Do not be down when you know that your rival has done more than you
-          Be stable! (you are gonna understand while you are facing the test)
-          Be sensitive of your mistake, and correct that quickly!

To be honest, after I finished the Psycho-test session and got out from the door, I felt like just now got out from the Chemical Test and got 50 as my mark!!! Lol! But honestly! That was what I felt. The room was too cold until I felt trembling, I did some mistakes every line, (but I corrected it immediately), I felt so hopeless to pass to the next test and the worst was it was raining outside! I even said to myself... yeah… it’s ok if I cannot pass this! I am ok! *but actually, I AM NOT! -_- haha

I have my own story along the way there and the way home. That was the 1st time I went to somewhere by train, my lover picked me up there and again… he supported me really well, I will never forget it hun! :’), His support means so worth for me. Along the way home, he gives me spirit with his own way. Big thanks and love for my man.

July 10th 2014, 8 days after the test, Bank Mandiri texted me again. Alhamdulillah, I was recommended to face the final interview at July 11th 2014. I went there by bus, and I was about to late. There was an unforgettable incident about know-it-all person who made me almost late,  But God saved meJ.
That day, I had an unforgettable story before the test. While I was walking to the rest room, something happened. Mr. Alex, the person who interviewed me in the first interview, saw me at glance, he smiled to me. After some seconds passed, I had just realized it. I stopped my step, I did not step back, but I just smiled for some seconds and said within my heart: “thanks for the impressing English interview, sir! Someday, I hope I can be here again and talk to you as the participant of Kriya Mandiri Program”. The remarks were a kind of pray to God J

Well, there were 24 candidates remaining there, we were interviewed one by one. Nevertheless, when I entered to the room, I was not alone. There was another candidate who was being interviewed together with me. This session, the interviewer asked me not to speak English. Thus, I answered every question with Indonesian. Of course, I took a breath, prayed and tried to show my best. He asked us more detail about ourselves. At the end, like the previous tests, the interviewer asked us to wait within 7 days.


7 days was not so long for that moment. Because it’s not really 7 days, it was just 3 days! There was no any message we received, but we got a call from Sahid Medical Center directly. Exactly at July 14th 2014 in the evening. That time, I felt so blessed! I hugged my mom and asked her pray. I immediately turned on my WiFi and opened my BBM chatting, I sent a chat to 2 other candidates. One of them failed because she didn’t get any calling from Sahid Medical Center, but another one did. However, that was the destiny from God. We always get the best thing in our life. If we cannot get what we want, believe! That God always gives what we need in our whole lives.

Even though my elder brother said that medical check-up was mere formality, he meant if we had no dangerous disease, we would pass from the test. Nevertheless, I tried to do my best. I meant, everything needs preparation, right? Well, I browsed many things about medical check-up. But, it would be held the following day. After 6 PM (after breaking fast), I just had 5 hours to prepare my body (because I may not eat anything after 11 PM).
-          Drink pure milk such as from Bear Brand
-          Don’t eat spicy food
-          Don’t consume any medicine
-          Drink water as often as you can
-          GET ENOUGH SLEEP!

Anyway, sorry for capitals in the last tip. To be honest! Getting enough sleep is important. Before the test, I just slept  4 hours and 30 minutes. I might get no problem while the test, but I was afraid along the time before the test. My brother (again) said  that it would affect the eye test. I was so lucky to had normal eyes, and didn’t get any problem due to lack of sleeping, no problem at all. But just suggestion, make sure that you have slept enough then you will feel all right.

That day meant so much for me, not about the test only, but also the things that I learnt from. He, my lover… he taught me about something again. He showed his support by taking me there, sacrificing his important meeting to help me, and keeping his smile in hard moment. That moment, Traffic jam was about to make everyone insane, rising-sun started to warm up our body, time was moving like usually but we were still in slow moving due to the traffic jam. I had to be there at 7, but the clock showed that it had been 8 o’clock while we were still on the way there. I started feeling down, I myself took a deep breath and tried to be calm like he did. And I said to him: “at least, we have struggled for this ”, I smiled a little, hoping and praying within my heart. In an uncomfortable moment like that, I still felt so good to have him in my life.

Difficulty is a beautiful thing. I have learnt and understood it now. Keep being happy in our difficult moments! Keep our spirit up! And, be the winner of us!

 When I arrived there, it had been 08:05. Nevertheless, God saved me! I could do the tests even though as the last participant! As I knew, I only saw no more than 10 people from the same Kriya Mandiri selection. Was it right or wrong? I didn’t know, that was just my guess.

Well, the test was a kind of pleasing things for me because I struggled hardly for being there.  I was so happy when the eye specialist doctor said that my eyes were so good. I thought that I had problem with my eye! But, I was wrong.  I was so happy to be checked by those doctors, I just said to myself that if I passed the medical check-up, it meant that my health was good enough.

Nevertheless, I felt not good also that day, because I had some problems with my teeth. Toothache when I was child remained a broken tooth and uhm, the tartar also (I was a kind of person who disliked dentist. But, now, I know that going to dentist is important). Besides that, my body wasn’t tall enough. I mean, my height was just 153,7 cm when I should be more than 155 to be a Teller. I knew that as a girl, that wasn’t big problem because we can use high heels to make us look taller, but however, I worried a little bit.

The test finished at 11 o’clock then I immediately  went home by bus. That day, I surrendered everything  to Allah SWT. I believe that He would give the best thing for me.


The day had come!!! 3 days after the medical-check up, July 18 2014, Bank Mandiri sent me a message that I had passed all the tests! Alhamdulillaaahirabbil’alamiiin. In addition, I will sign the contract and will be trained at August 11 2014, exactly, it will be held TOMORROW! I cannot be patient for that!!!

Thus, please pray for me guys! To get better days, better character, better knowledge, better network, better experience, better chances, and better things in all things in my life. Aamiiin…

Thanks for reading, I will share my next experience J, see you guys!

5 komentar:

  1. good boleh taya berapa rata rata umur yang luus program kriya mandiri ?

  2. dear Alan Adhityo, yang lulus rata-rata kisaran 21-25. tapi kalau berkompeten, umur 18an pun bisa diterima :) thanks for visiting

  3. Awesome !!
    alloh selalu kasih jalan yang terbaik dari yang terbaik buat hidup kita dan itu tidak akan pernah tertukar dengan orang lain..

    thanks to sharing :)

    boleh dong bagi tips untuk belajar bahasa inggrisnya secara otodidak..

  4. Selamat ya...
    Gw udah MCU di sahid sahirman medical centre, tgl. 3 okt 2014, tpi smpai sekarang belum ada panggilan lagi, apa itu artinya gw gagal yaa? Tapi tman2 gw yang MCU bareng jg belum dipanggil.

  5. maaf baru buka postingan ini lagi, thanks buat yang udah mampir :)
    Dear Arzhan,
    alhamdulillaah, that is absolutely true! bisa kok, nanti aku share yah

    Dear Suyitno,
    wah udah januari nih sekarang. semoga aja diterima yah



No one can go back to the past and start it back like a new thing. But, everyone can start new thing today and create a new ending -Maria Robinson-
Grand final of 2015 JCI Indonesia Public Speaking Championship. @SRHanifa 3rd Winner

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