Sabtu, 02 Juli 2016

Youth Development Through Shopping For Charity

JCI Mission
To Provide development opportunities that empower young people to create positive change.

JCI Bogor City exists for creating positive changes through its activities, which one of those is Shopping For Charity. In collaborated with BAPER (Bogor Aksi Perduli), JCI Bogor City establishes this event in Ramadhan, it is held for 3 days, from June 23 to June 25.

“We invite young people to involve together in social activity. We coordinate our friends who have second-handed-clothes to be collected and to be sold, and the sales revenue would be contributed for charity. We want to encourage care among youth, thus we collaborate also with BAPER (Bogor Aksi Perduli), another  youth community who cares with Bogor”

In June 28, Shopping For Charity together with donors have successfully attained  IDR 18.158.000, and the donation is given for orphans. In Buka Bersama Anak Yatim (Breaking Fast with Orphans), we gather with orphans, feel the happiness, share and love one another. Together, positive changes could be created. By developing young people, we can create a better tomorrow. 

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