Sabtu, 21 Mei 2016

Build Our Generation, Build Our Nation

“The most valuable person is the one who cherishes the value in others.” 
― Ron Kaufman

The future value within children are sometimes unseen. It occurs because it has not been shaped due to their long process as just a child. It is sometimes the thing that some parents do not give their care too much. But however, it is essential to be shaped even since they are children, because they are in 'Golden Age', they are our next generation, and they would lead this country someday.

I have realized that it is not the 'homework' for their parents only. But all of us, moreover youth, we have role also in helping our next generation to finding their future value. Do what we are able to. No matter how small it is, even though it cannot change the whole world all of sudden, but trust me! it would change their world, their future. I take my part in my surroundings, with these great children, to build our generation, our nation.

I have completed senior high school 2 years ago, but I have never leave it for sure. I have not been success yet, but I am used to being a dreamer. Supports and love from people around me gives unbelievable impact in the process of pursuing my dreams. And I am not the only one generation, however I get older and other seeds would grow. I just remember the kindness from great people came into my life. And this time, I just want to take my part. Giving some classes of motivation for students in my senior high school is very pleasant. I just want them to know that shines of dreams are within us, to ignite them and make our dreams come true. Because the future of this nation is in their arms. We need to support and help them to become great generation.

I gratefully thank God for sending good people around me who always support me and give me worth lesson. My parents, my teachers and great people around me. I realized that they do not ask any reward for what they have given to me. I realized that I was the seed, the next generation. And it is the time to give my contribution for developing others, developing next generation to make a better future. 

My turn would be amazing with other youth who have same -responsibility feeling-. I am sure, even though from this written, it seems like I am the only doer here, but out of here, there are a lot of youth who have been giving their contribution through their own action and activities. I do hope that what we do could make a better world. aamiin

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No one can go back to the past and start it back like a new thing. But, everyone can start new thing today and create a new ending -Maria Robinson-
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