Rabu, 08 Juni 2016

JCI Impact Project - Social Activity

Most of social activities are focusing on one idea. But it doesn’t happen in JCI Bogor City. We collaborate 3 ideas in one project, those are providing free medication, teaching health by drinking milk together and giving cosmetology training for housewives.  Therefore, the theme of our Impact Project is “Healthy Family and Beautiful Mother for Quality Global Society” or in Bahasa : Keluarga Sehat dan Ibu Cantik Untuk Masyarakat Global Berkualitas.

Local President of JCI Bogor City, Istia Sofyania shares her thought, “JCI Bogor City hopes that this project could be a part of change and solution for common problems around us (healthy and economy). This project is also an implementation and real support for SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) from United Nations.”

“it actually had initiated since 2 years ago, when Alex became 2014 Local President. But for this year, we modify and collaborate it gathers with 2 new things :
1. teaching health by drinking milk together, known as GERIMIS (gerakan mimi susu), and
2. cosmetology training for housewives, it intends to make housewives to be productive. For long term goal, we want this as a bridge for home-based business  ”

In this 2016, JCI Bogor City has planned to create 7 society services in seven regional of Bogor City and Regency : East Bogor, Middle Bogor, West Bogor, North Bogor, South Bogor, Gadog and Tanah Sareal with 7 different Project Director for each program. Project Directors are the member of JCI Bogor City that all of them are youth 18 – 40 years old. Here, besides creating impact by developing common citizen through social activity, JCI Bogor City with its project becomes platform for youth to develop their skill in directing a project, to create future leaders.

Today, there have been 3 of 7 plans which have been realized. JCI Bogor City, all Board of Directors, Project Directors, members, 2 doctors from JCI Jakarta : dr. Rani and JCI Bogor City : dr. Okty, nurses with Fajar FX work together and make these activities successfuly held! And also, these could not be held without support from donors, HIPMI Kota Bogor, Momomilk, Atzindo Mitratama Karya, Zoom Computer, Dakara Kitchen, Toko Militer, DNV, Fajar Raya Fiberglass, and Olive Make Up Artist.

Here is the schedule of JCI Impact Project - Social Activity :

Let’s make 4 others social activities to be successful also! Be Better!

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No one can go back to the past and start it back like a new thing. But, everyone can start new thing today and create a new ending -Maria Robinson-
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