Rabu, 30 November 2016

Digital Leader for 21st Century : Comfortable Being Uncomfortable

For majority people, when problems come and change into trouble, life turns out to be more difficult and they would feel uncomfortable. They probably would be anxious, sighing, and the worst one is blaming situation or other people for what is happening with them.

But if we say that we are the future leaders who live in 21st century, we have to change our mindset. We cannot be anxious and feeling uncomfortable with all those troubles anymore; we have to start getting accustomed with comfortable being uncomfortable. We have no excuse for being strong leaders! Yes, we have no.

Therefore, I stepped my feet at Asia Pacific Future Leader Conference 2016 (APFLC) as a part of my journey, since I knew that leaders are made, not born. Together with 150 awesome delegates from 14 countries, We were being faced with the reality that made us to be comfortable in uncomfortable. APFLC was not an ordinary conference that we paid much for and enjoyed exclusive hotel. Even though may be some of you did not attend this event with us, but you are one of 750 millions youth in ASIA, therefore this written is not only for me and those 149 delegates, but also for YOU.

In APFLC, I learnt a lot to be comfortable being uncomfortable as digital leader in 21st century from incredible speakers such as : Albert Muir, Richard Ker, Fabien Bouhier, Iskandar Rizal, Rizmel Nazrin and Nadira Yusoff. They opened my eyes to go out further more from my comfort zone, to gain success. Because success is walking from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm. Right from this, we have to be successful leaders in the future.

We have to embed strong integrity, to do the right thing even no one is watching -CS Lewis-, to inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more. Therefore, we can be a leader! We do not need to make a massive jump if we have no power. But we can take small steps continuously to create big impact. Let me share 3 essential points to become a great leader according to APFLC 2016 :

Be confident
Be firm but kind
Be an expert
Be decisive
Care about people

Keep our words as always! 
Dress for the job
Treat our team very well
Commit to always get better
Ask Questions

Identify problem
Have big picture (wide perspective)
Be productive
Make decisions and take responsibility
Share your vision
Focus with the team, not yourself

Share our passion with people, do not lost our focus and be patient! as a leader, we have to have strong willingness to learn, eager to learn and have growth mindset. Look for someone bigger and greater to learn from. Because 21st century is full of challenges that we need to be ready and be success for.

Remember that anything is possible! write every strategy that we have, put the right strategy, develop growth mindset and open your eyes that you have no limit. Break the limit and go out of the box! We have to know what do we want for our future, what sustainable things that we want to build and start investing to people by creating system.
=> Create or pattern 
=> Find something incompleted 
=> Work for the right puzzle to fill it 
=> Match it with incomplete thing 
=> Embed the value within the people by knowing their passion and their life goal 
=> Match it again

Since you have finished reading this notes, now, we have same big homework to  to do. To build our nations, our better future for our next generation, to be the leaders in 21st century who have strong mindset to grow, comfortable being uncomfortable. That end of that conference and the end of this written were not the end of our journey as leaders, this is the beginning. 

We are amazing youths and we can do it!

I feel so honored to be Indonesian delegates. 
Thanks for APLI for chosing me as the delegation, for NIBA Business School, my pride university and full support from Bank BJB as my one and only sponsor.

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