Jumat, 21 Juli 2017

Indonesia strongly defends Al Aqsa

"Then colonization of the world must be abolished because it is not in line with humanity and justice." - Preamble of the 1945 Constitution.

The history shows that since long time ago Indonesia had been owing espousing from Palestine. Soekarno-Hatta proclaimed independence of Indonesia Republic in August 17 1945. Yet, we need to know that to earning the sovereignty as nation, Indonesia still needed acknowledgement from other nations. And there, Indonesia was helped by acknowledgements from prominent figures from Middle East countries, particularly Palestine.

Nowadays, after almost 72 years of independence day, all of us as Indonesian have been living in peace and freedom. Not in the same place, but yet on the same earth as well as in the same time, Palestine still fights for its independence, it even become worse lately. Friday (14/7) ago, Al Aqsa Mosque Old Complex was closed, Muslim Palestine lost their rights to worship. The ban on worship at Al Aqsa occured simply because of the shooting of two Israeli police by Arabs who lives in Umm al Fahm, northern Israel.

The status quo against Al Aqsa Mosque continues to be intervened by Israel. Israel installed metal detectors and CCTV in various corners of the mosque complex. The world denounced the arbitrariness of Israel, not to mention, Indonesia. Because Indonesia against all forms of colonization. As it is well said in 1945 constitution.

The criticism came from the Indonesian Foreign Minister, Retno Marsudi on Thursday (20/7), when he was aware of the sterilization of the area following the shooting of Imam Masjid Al Aqsa Syekh Ikrima Sabri. On the same day, the Indonesian Mufti Council (MUI) also strongly condemned the Israeli action. Through his official statement, the MUI said Israeli policy towards Al Aqsa Mosque is a form of delicacy against the UN Charter on freedom of worship in accordance with their respective beliefs.

Opposition to Israeli policy was also voiced by the people of Indonesia. Today, Friday (21/7), Aksi Indonesia Membela Masjid Al Aqsa or Indonesian Action on Defending Al Aqsa Mosque was held in the open field of Al Azhar Mosque, Jakarta, after Friday praying. Driven by some islam organizations, Aliansi Indonesia Membela Masjid Al Aqsa or the Indonesian Alliance Defending Al Aqsa Mosque (AIMMA), an action that was followed by hundreds of citizens of the capital who empathize with the conditions in Palestine today.

This solidarity action was also attended by national figures and scholars such as KH. Bachtiar Nasir, KH. Abdul Rasyid Abdullah Syafie, KH. Nasir Zein, Ustaz Arifin Ilham, Ustaz Saiful Bahri, and President of ACT Ahyudin. The thunder of support for the liberation of Palestine filled the Al Azhar Mosque, it is time for the Al Aqsa Mosque to be defended by the number of national figures.

In his evocative speech, Ahyudin said what is happening in Palestine today is a form of colonization which continues to be intensified by Israel. Al Aqsa Mosque is at the heart of life in Palestine. If the heart is taken away, the Palestinians will fall out.

"And when it fall out, then it will become the culmination of all forms of colonization," said Ahyudin.

Therefore, he added, full relief for Palestine is needed. Al Aqsa gets caught, while education and economy for millions of Palestinians need help. Philanthropy becomes one of the ways to help the  Earth of  Prophets.

"Helping Palestine is a great charity project. Take care of Al Aqsa, then we will feel the extraordinary blessings of Allah SWT, it would be a loss if we do not get involved to liberate Al Aqsa, liberate Muslims" He explained.

In addition to Jakarta, solidarity action for Al-Aqsa Mosque worship was held in several cities in Indonesia, such as Makassar, Semarang, and Aceh. This is the evidence of how the Indonesian people united with the struggle to liberate Al Aqsa. Because Palestine is a part of us.


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