China celebrates 63rd anniversary of founding
Linda Yulisman,
The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | World | Fri, September 28 2012,
9:57 AM
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Paper Edition
| Page: 11
Me, as reporter for China
celebrates 63rd anniversary of founding with National Press Club of Indonesia
(NPCI) crew
Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Indonesia celebrated on Thursday
the 63rd anniversary of the country’s founding, highlighting its role in
responding to global issues and its commitment to continuing cooperation with
Indonesia, both in bilateral and regional issues.
As the global economy struggled to recover, China vowed to contribute to the progress through its open economic policy, China’s Ambassador to Indonesia Liu Jianchao said in his remarks during the ceremony to commemorate the anniversary, which will fall on Oct. 1.
“China will continue to adopt the policy of an open economy and bolster cooperation with both developed and developing countries to work toward the recovery of the global economy,” he said at the ceremony at the Shangri-La Hotel in Jakarta.
Amid the continuing slowdown in the global economy, China’s economy expanded by 7.8 percent in the first half of this year; the highest growth rate worldwide.
Regarding bilateral relations, Liu noted the significant progress in China and Indonesia’s cooperation this year, particularly in economic areas, including infrastructure, services, mining and manufacturing.
At the regional level, China expects Indonesia to nurture the collaboration in East Asia as both countries share common aspirations of peace, security and prosperity in the region.
The anniversary celebration, which was attended by Coordinating Political, Legal and Security Affairs Minister Djoko Suyanto and Peoples Consultative Assembly (MPR) Speaker Taufiq Kiemas, also marked the inauguration of China’s diplomatic mission to ASEAN, which was announced by China’s Premier Wen Jiabao during a dialogue in November last year in Bali.
Chinese Ambassador to ASEAN Yang Xiuping said the mission was an important milestone to forge closer links between China and ASEAN.
“China attaches great importance to its relations with ASEAN. We will firmly support the ASEAN community building, and support ASEAN’s leading role in East Asian cooperation,” she said in her address.
The comprehensive cooperation between China and ASEAN would not only give a strong boost to their social and economic development, but also significantly contribute to peace, stability and prosperity in the region and the world at large, she added.
Since China emerged as ASEAN’s largest trading partner, trade rose by 20.9 percent to US$280.4 billion in 2011 from a year earlier.
As the global economy struggled to recover, China vowed to contribute to the progress through its open economic policy, China’s Ambassador to Indonesia Liu Jianchao said in his remarks during the ceremony to commemorate the anniversary, which will fall on Oct. 1.
“China will continue to adopt the policy of an open economy and bolster cooperation with both developed and developing countries to work toward the recovery of the global economy,” he said at the ceremony at the Shangri-La Hotel in Jakarta.
Amid the continuing slowdown in the global economy, China’s economy expanded by 7.8 percent in the first half of this year; the highest growth rate worldwide.
Regarding bilateral relations, Liu noted the significant progress in China and Indonesia’s cooperation this year, particularly in economic areas, including infrastructure, services, mining and manufacturing.
At the regional level, China expects Indonesia to nurture the collaboration in East Asia as both countries share common aspirations of peace, security and prosperity in the region.
The anniversary celebration, which was attended by Coordinating Political, Legal and Security Affairs Minister Djoko Suyanto and Peoples Consultative Assembly (MPR) Speaker Taufiq Kiemas, also marked the inauguration of China’s diplomatic mission to ASEAN, which was announced by China’s Premier Wen Jiabao during a dialogue in November last year in Bali.
Chinese Ambassador to ASEAN Yang Xiuping said the mission was an important milestone to forge closer links between China and ASEAN.
“China attaches great importance to its relations with ASEAN. We will firmly support the ASEAN community building, and support ASEAN’s leading role in East Asian cooperation,” she said in her address.
The comprehensive cooperation between China and ASEAN would not only give a strong boost to their social and economic development, but also significantly contribute to peace, stability and prosperity in the region and the world at large, she added.
Since China emerged as ASEAN’s largest trading partner, trade rose by 20.9 percent to US$280.4 billion in 2011 from a year earlier.
Cina Merayakan Ulang Tahun Negaranya ke 63
Kedutaan besar Cina di Indonesia merayakan ulang tahun negaranya yang ke 63
pada hari Kamis, untuk menunjukkan perannya dalam merespon
isu-isu dunia dan komitmennya untuk melanjutkan kerjasama dengan Indonesia,
baik itu hubungan bilateral maupun isu daerah.
perjuangan ekonomi global untuk pulih, Cina berjanji untuk mengkontribusikan
untuk kemajuan dalam melewati pembukaannya terhadap politik ekonomi, kedutaan
Cina di Indonesia Liu Jianchao mengatakan saat sambutannya dalam upacara
peringatan ulang tahun, yang jatuh pada tanggal 1 Oktober.
akan melanjutkan pengangkatan politik dari pembukaan ekonomi dan mendukung
kerjasama dengan pengembangan bersama dan mengembangkan negara untuk bekerja
menuju penemuan ekonomi global,” Ia mengatakan saat upacara di hotel
Shangri-La, Jakarta
tengah-tengah kemunduran berkelanjutan dalam ekonomi global, ekonomi negara
Cina berkembang 7,8 persen dalam pertengahan tahun ini. Angka pertumbuhan
tertinggi di seluruh dunia.
hubungan bilateral, Liu mencatat kemajuan berarti di Cina dan kerjasama
Indonesia di tahun ini, terutama dalam area ekonomi, termasuk infrastruktur,
layanan, penambangan dan memproduksi.
tingkat daerah, Cina berharap Indonesia menjaga kerjasama di Asia timur sebagai
kedua negara yang saling membagi cita-cita bersama dalam kedamaian, kemanan dan
kemakmuran si daerah.
perayaan ulang tahun, yang di hadiri oleh kordinasi politik, menteri hukum dan
urusan keamanan, Djoko Suyanto dan pembicara Majlis Permusyawaratan Rakyat
(MPR) Taufiq Kiemas, juga menilai peresmian misi diplomatik Cina untuk ASEAN,
yang di umumkan oleh Perdana menteri Cina Wen Jiabao dalam sebuah dialog pada
November lalu di Bali.
besar Cina untuk ASEAN Yang Xiuping mengatakan bahwa misi adalah suatu tonggak
bersejarah yang penting untuk menempa mata rantai lebih dekat lagi antara Cina
dengan ASEAN.
mengikat kepentingan besar untuk hubungannya dengan ASEAN. Kami akan tetap
mendukung kuat pembangunan perkumpulan ASEAN, dan mendukung peran kepemimpinan
ASEAN dalam kerjasama Asia Timur,” Ia mengatakan dalam pidatonyaa.
yang luas antara Cina dan ASEAN tidak hanya memberi dorongan kuat untuk
perkembangan ekonomi dan sosial mereka, tapi juga menyumbangkan kedamaian yang
berarti, stabilitas dan kemakmuran di daerah dan dunia luas, Ia menambahkan.
Cina muncul sebagai rekan dagang terbesar di ASEAN, perdagangan berkembang dari
20,9 persen menjadi 280,4 milyar dolar pada tahun 2011 dari satu tahun lebih
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