Selasa, 17 Desember 2013

Becoming Best 10 in National Short Story Competition | ENGLISH NITE 2013

My certificate and my short story which recorded within :-)
Hello guys, how are you today? hopefully you are in good condition right now. Welcome to my new posting :-)

Well, I will tell you about my experience in my first english short story competition at Airlangga University, East Java.
I had ever joined a writing competition, exactly poem writing when I was Elementary student. even though I have been used to be fond of writing, I have never joined a kind of the competition like this short story.

The theme is "Love And Sacrifice", then my imagination flew and I found my own story which entitled "Fall And Die in The Fall". I was so amazed when I knew that my written passed succesfully in best 10, that's my first time and that's national level. I am so grateful to God for getting that new experience.

Fall And Die in The Fall
Do you know what's the meaning of the title? I am sure that you don't, hehe. well, if you are anxious to know the story of my written, you can read it here :-) enjoy it !

Fall And Die in The Fall

“Don’t you hear me? we break up! I hate you!!” said Mariana to John on the telephone then she smashed her phone cellular. She is my elder sister who is older 3 years than me. I was so pity and I dislike that moment. She had good friendship with John before, but everything had been over since they became a couple. It was complicated and now it became worst. Immediately I went out from my house, I was really bored and didn’t want to care with her anymore. For million times I advised her to become best friend again, but she didn’t want to hear me. Whatever ! without saying anything, I went out.

That was still morning on Sunday, fall season in the middle of  January in Graphored City (the name of a city that I live in). In this city, fall season always comes two times in a year, exactly in the middle of January and July. I really like fall season, I love its smell and its beautiful scenery when leaves turned yellow and fall. By the way, my name is Maddy, a seventeen-year-old teenager, a student of West Graphored High School.
That time I walked aimlessly, just walked away and then I found myself at a garden. I decided to sit under a tree. It was like a dramatic moment when I was sitting under a big tree in the fall season. I closed my eyes and said to myself …

“Love is really complicated! I am a kind of a lucky girl, because I never fall in love, and will never” but then I was surprised by a voice
“Excuse me, do you know where is the Graphored University of Dracas ? ” immediately I opened my eyes and I saw a boy in front of me, of course a strange boy.
“Yes, I know. You just need to go up by the green bus from that way, and say to the driver to go down at Graphored University of  Dracas”
“Thank you” he said.

After he went, I had just realized something, “Graphored University of  Dracas? Oh my God ! tomorrow is going to be a competition day ! my story telling ? I have to prepare everything !”, immediately I went back to my house

The next day, I thought that the day was an unlucky day for me. I had been at Graphored University of Dracas, neither friends nor teachers accompanied me. I felt so flat, while waiting the competition began, I just sat on the chair and exercised my story telling. Unconsciously, someone came and sit next to me.
“Are you a girl whom I met yesterday?”  said that boy with glasses. When I look into him, I had just realized that he was a boy who asked the direction to me the previous day.

“Yes, do you join the story telling competition at this university?” I asked him.
“Yes I do. How about you ? by the way, I am Adam from Cristopher High School. And you ?”
“Yes, so do I. I am Maddy, wow that is a boarding school, isn’t it?” I asked him
“That’s not really great, because that’s a kind of boarding school for boys only. Sometimes it’s really boring.”
The conversation was started. We became good friend in seconds. We really enjoyed that day, he supported me well when I was showing my story telling and so did I. He was the  nicest boy whom I met in my life. And the most unforgettable moment ever was … both of us won the competition!!! He was the 1st place and I was the 2nd,  that was a fabulous thing !

The competition had been over, but both of us were still together. We walked and sat under a tree, at the garden the first time we met. Until the sun went down, we were still talking. I don’t know why, but I was really happy when I was with him. I felt a strange feeling within my heart. My heart beat faster than before, and his smile… oh My God ! what happened with me …

Since that day, we used to meet in some other competitions, even though we barely met, but we still kept in touch by social media, we often share our heart feeling. But don’t think that we have special feeling, because he had a girlfriend already, I felt sick within my heart, I didn’t know why. One day, when we were chatting on the social media
       “Maddy, I want to be honest about something” he chatted me
“Yes, what is that Adam ?” I asked him, my heart beat faster again
“You are my best friend, you are the only one who understands me really well. But do you still want to be my best friend even though I am not a normal person ?  ” he said
“ what are you talking about ? you are my best friend, no matter who you are.” I said
“I don’t have girlfriend ! but I have boyfriend !” he said
“That’s never mind ! you are still my best friend forever” I replied with smiling emoticon, but actually…
I felt so shocked ! I didn’t know what to say, my best friend is a gay ! a girl whom he talked to me is not a girl ! but a boy ! but I couldn’t blame at him and I still care to him.

Since the first time I met him, I couldn’t stop thinking about him. Even though I knew that he is a gay, but the feeling in my heart was still the same. Then I realized that I had fallen in love with him since the first time we met, I fell in love in the fall. But however, friendship is the best relation because there is no end. Thus, I decided to hide that love feeling and tried hard to kill it within my heart.

6 months had gone, everything had not been changed. Adam was still my best friend, we still contacted each other and… I still loved him. Someday, when I was at my class, my phone was suddenly ringing, there was a message from a strange number.

“Hi Maddy ! this is me, Adam. How’s your life. At last I get my holiday. is it alright if I come and visit you? there is something that I want to give for you my bestie”
“Oh my God! sure Adam! you can come and visit me. what is that? Where will we meet? and when?” I typed the message quickly.
“ how if this evening at 4 PM, at the garden. The first place we met :-D”

I was so happy that time. After went back from the school, I made a cake for him and came to the garden. That was the second fall season in that year, and I would meet him again. I thought that I couldn’t hide my love feeling anymore, I have sacrificed to keep this feeling more than 6 months and the feeling was still the same. I would to tell him that I loved him, yes, I would.


“Where have you been, Adam ?” I asked myself. He didn’t reply my message neither answered my call. Until 5:30 PM, he hadn’t come ! He lost ! I was going back and forth at the garden, at last I found him sitting on a chair and bowing. And I saw someone was sitting next to him! But I didn’t care, I just wanted to meet Adam.
“Adam? why don’t you reply my message?” I asked him, but he answered nothing and he didn’t look at me.
“You took  him by my side ! and now I get him back to me !” someone who sat next to him said something by half whispering.
“I am sorry, are you talking to me?” I asked that person
“I am Ben, these are from Adam to you!” he replied by smiling and gave me a paper and chocolate. That wasn’t a paper, but that was a letter.

Dear Maddy,
Thanks for coming in my life. You’ve changed everything. I fell in love with you in the fall, the first time we met. I was a gay and you know that, but you are still there for me. I tried to leave my boyfriend and want to meet you ASAP. I just want to say that I love you so much. Maddy, Would you be my girl ?
Adam <3

“Oh My God!! Adam!” I smiled at him, but then I felt so scared! Adam fell in front of me, he is bleeding! I wanted to scream, but I had no time. A knife stabbed into my heart for so many times, and everything became so black. I couldn’t see anything.
“I am sorry, I killed you because you hurt me ! I am so glad to see your death ! both of you die in my arms ! Adam, I have ever told you that I would kill you if you chose her, but you took it lightly”

Ben had been Adam’s boyfriend and his classmate, some previous days at a library…
“Ben, sorry ! I want to be a normal man, a girl came and made me fall in love with her for the first time in my life. I think it’ll be better if we become friend  like the past time, someday I believe you’ll meet your girl” said Adam.

“What are you talking about ? I love you so much, I will never let you go. If you choose her, I will kill you.” Said Ben.
“I don’t care ! it’s been more than 6 months I have been hiding my feeling to her. I want her to know my feeling.” Adam looked into Ben seriously and then went out from that library.
“Wait Adam !!! I am serious !!! I will kill you if you do that !!” said Ben with slower voice but he looked into Adam’s eyes gloweringly.
Adam stopped his step, and said …

“Ben, you can kill me, but you will never can kill my love for her. I am in love with her, I have realized that this is the true love. And it will be forever…” then Adam left Ben alone.
The day when Adam was going to meet Maddy, Ben followed him and he killed Adam and Maddy.
They fall in love in the fall, and they die in the fall…

      -------------------------------THE END-------------------------------------

By : Siti Rahmah Hanifa

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No one can go back to the past and start it back like a new thing. But, everyone can start new thing today and create a new ending -Maria Robinson-
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