Senin, 18 November 2013

2 Great Nights : ERASMUSINDOCS2013 and Being a Broadcaster ON AIR !

Good morning guys !
Zao Shang Hao !

Now, I am listening “Everyone is Number One” by Andi Lau. That’s a Mandarin song, I am being in love with Mandarin language, I think that’s a unique language. But I am not really serious to learn it, because actually for these 2 months I have been preparing my English Test. Please pray for me J

Well, Everyone is number one is a kind of motivating mandarin song which I got it unpurposely when I was looking for a mandarin song yesterday, and I really LIKE that ! because it has so deep meaning about spirit for me. I have to be always spirit for my days, to fight, to struggle, to run and never stop for believing that I will have my own way to get my bright future.

Well, actually I don’t want to talk about Mandarin song topic, but I want to talk about my great days on last Saturday and Sunday. I just want to share it to you, my fans. hehe

Saturday, November 16,2013 was a great night in my life. Do you still remember my written about INEFFEST2013 in last September ? in that workshop, all the participants had to make a documentary movie, including I and my team. We made a short-documentary movie by title PLASTICMAN. It’s about a community in Labuan Bajo, Flores who they are the volunteers  in cleaning the environment, especially at the edge of beaches. They collect the rubbish, especially plastic rubbish, and recycle it to be diesel fuel. Wow !

With the length 06:51 seconds, my movie was sent to Erasmus International Documentary Film and Festival 2013 by INEFFEST, at Netherland Embassy. I was surprised when the committee informed me that my movie passed successfully In big 10, not only my movie, but also my friends’ movies. Such as Sepetak Tanah and Watu Bike. And they really expected me and my friends to come in the Awarding night on last Saturday.

On Saturday morning, exactly at 4 AM, after waking up, without thinking anything I took my phone and checked my email. How surprised and happy I was ! I got an email from the committee of INEFFEST, Amelia Hapsari forwarded an email from Erasmusindocs which informed me that my movie passed successfully in big 5, it meant that we are the nominee ! OMG ! Alhamdulillaahirabbil’alamiin.. J
At the awarding night, I felt little disappointed because my movie failed to win, but that was just for some seconds, because I felt perfectly happy. You know what ?

Even though human has unsatisfying feeling, but I felt so blessed, satisfied and grateful to be in big 5, that’s a good start for me (trying to amuse myself, hehe). And that night I felt so enjoy with all of my friends from my school (aaaa big thanks for Uyuy, Nanad, Fachry who accompanied me to go there by bus -_-) and Bu Dyah and Pak Irfan who at least came, accompanied us in that awarding night and accompanied us to go back to home J. Not only friends from school, but also I met some of INEFFEST friends. Audy, Adit and Subhan. And the committee such as Mr. Nick, Ms. Amelia Hapsari (Oh God !!! I felt so happy can meet you !!) and kak Gugi J. I am still missing the others.

Sunday, November 17, 2013
That was a nice and tiring day ! it was the first time to me to be a broadcaster ! LIVE ! ON AIR ! #whocares? But, honestly it’s the first time. It was at TEMAN radio, Bogor. In that event, I wasn’t a single but double broadcaster. I and my best friend, Uyuy. the participants from my school were me with Uyuy, Iksan with Qiting, and Hilmi with Giu. The most  awkward and unforgettable moment was, from 68 participants, we were the latest participants ! I and Uyuy were the 67th. OMG ! since the morning we had been waiting, and our turn was after maghrib ! exactly at 6 PM. -_-

Even though we had been tired, but we were still spirit and successfully gave the best of us. Alhamdulillaah…  Even though in the announcement for best 10, we weren’t successful, but that day was a great day. Because besides getting new experience, that day became an unforgettable day. When we felt unsatisfied with the result, we could still smile and our teacher supported us well ! and they were Bu Dyah, Pak Irfan and Abi Wahyu AGAIN !!! aaaa kisses and hugs for you

The greatest message from Bu Dyah is,

“this isn’t your time, because this is just regency level ! the appropriate level for you is in the national or international level ! cheer up ! ”

Thanks for reading :-)
Lokasi: Cibinong, Bogor, West Java, Indonesia

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