Kamis, 05 September 2013

Unexpected-Day : I am chosen to be participant of INEFFEST 2013

Today is the 5th of September 2013,
A day of my life which never can be forgotten from my mind. This is one of my story …
This is about the short-term scholarship of film-maker workshop which I have gotten this afternoon.

Now, I am a 12 grader of private vocational school, SMK Generasi Madani, Cibinong Bogor. Exactly in multimedia vocational. I am used to be learning about graphic design, animation, broadcasting, including film-maker.

Once upon a time (read that word like when you’re telling a story telling, hehe), in 27 of August 2013 at the rest time, I and some of my friends (Rizky, Ulfah, and Angga)
were called by Mrs. Dyah. She asked us to join a selection to be participants of INEFFEST 2013. Which actually, some previous days when I asked about this even, Mrs. Dyah didn’t let us to join because we have been 12 graders already. But it has changed, we’re permitted. Great start was opened …

INEFFEST 2013 is an abbreviation of Indonesia International  Environmental Film Festival. Yups, that is an international festival which shows many documenter movies. Actually, I don’t really know about what the event is, but I know that this is the 2nd festival following the 1st one at 2011. Here you are the information about INEFFEST which I have gotten from Ineffest.com


INEFFEST ( Indonesia International Environmental Film Festival ) is intended to promote the exploration of environmental issues through the educational means of cinematic stories and experiences as well as workshops and discussions. With the support of well-experienced people in the field and its related aspects, this platform is believed to be one of the most effective ways to inform and motivate individuals and communities to see the global environment problems from a different perspective.

INEFFEST focused on remote areas in Indonesia, which has very limited access to cinema. INEFFEST showcases Indonesian as well as International environmental films. It is an ideal event to bring together people from the environmental and filmmaking industries to get together – to screen their work, share knowledge, discuss innovations and challenges they are facing in the environment these days, also doing social environmental outreach programs with the local people.
Following the success of the first INEFFEST that is being held in 2011, the 2013 INEFFEST will be held in the Labuan Bajo and Komodo Islands region. This year we will come with more screenings, more fringe events, more national and international guests coming to attend the festival, as well as more social environmental education programs with the local people, from children, teenagers until adults.

Well, today is an unforgettable day. Even though I am a student, I often forget about date. But today, I remember it perfectly. 5th of September, the announcement day. Since morning, I had sent some SMS to my teacher, Mrs. Dyah about the result.I really want to be the chosen, but …But I used to be a loser even though some time I won , so I didn’t hope too much.

 Mrs. Dyah had come already, 12 students extremely wanted to know the result. My heart beat fast, and my skin immediately became so cold. Everyone asked about the result, including me. but she didn’t let us know. She just gave the clue, the clue was “the participants who won that are only 2 students, a girl and a boy”. “WHAT ?” we all felt worst..

A moment after that, Azan dzuhur was heard. We all went to pray dzuhur together.

I really wanted to be chosen, but however I had to accept everything. In that time, I stopped to hope anything. I tried forgetting my first flight, great workshop, gathering with directors and film-maker. Even though I am a fighter, I used to be a loser. Uhm I mean, we must do our best to get anything that we want, but we have to accept when we can’t get it. That’s God’s authority. And that time, I thought about my sins, and my mistakes which I had ever done. I think, when I did wrong thing, Allah will be angry to me and holds something that I want.

That time, I just pray and apologize to Allah for every single sin which I had done. Even though I am not a good girl yet, but I have been trying. And I will never stop it until I die. So, I tried to make my own self to feel --free—and whatever the result I would accept that sincerely.

After praying dzuhur, I walked into the class room. There were so many students there, they are students from Multimedia vocational, class 10, 11 and 12. I just looked around me, took  a seat next to my friend and listened some opening words by my School Pricipal, Vice Principal, my homeroom Mr. Gunawan. I saw my vocational teachers too, they are Mrs. Dyah and Mr. Yudi.

After opening words from them, that was the time of announcement. My heart was beating so fast, but I tried to be calm down even though I knew that my skin became cold again. And….
“the girl whom passed successfully for  INEFFEST2013 is… SITI RAHMAH HANIFA !!!!” Mrs. Dyah said..
I was just speechless and felt like flying so high. I can’t stop to say thanks to Allah, and I said in my heart “is this a dream ??  is this right ? OMG !!!”
And the boy whom chosen is my classmate. He is Muhammad Rizki Fajrie, I am used to calling him as Qiting. Congrats my friends ! we’re gonna get our first flight together.

After that, we prepared our identity card. I have been 17 years old,  but I haven’t make my ID card !  Alhamdulillah, it could be helped by student card. That time, I didn’t bring my student card, so I went back to my house accompanied by Asep, my friend also.

All the way to go home, I was just thinking about my mother. I really believe that it could be happened because my mother’s pray. When I arrived in my house, I ran to my mom, I hug, kissed and cry on her shoulder. I said so many thanks to her… I felt so lucky to have her in my life. I feel I am just nothing without her. She is the best for me..

Thanks a lot yaa Allah, mommy, daddy, family, teachers, friends, and all.

Thanks to read my post. I will continue my post later…
Good night the world ! 
See you...

Siti Rahmah Hanifa

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