Minggu, 25 Agustus 2013

Varieties of Job In Multimedia Area

Happy Sunday everyone !

How are you today ? it’s been so long time I hadn’t posted anything here. But now I am here to post my article about “Varieties of Job In Multimedia Area”. Why it should be in multimedia area ? because I am the 12 grader of multimedia school, a vocational high school. And this is my 1st  and special English homework in this last year. Yeah insha Allah in 2014 I’ll graduate from this school. Pray for me, please!
Well, these are some varieties of Job in Multimedia Area :

1.       Photographer
Photographers are  painters, but they don’t paint the picture by canvas neither water color, they  paint with  light. if we  want to be a photographer we have to have skill in camera usage and “art”. If we have no art, our pictures will not be interesting to be seen. But don’t take it as a difficult thing, because we  can exercise ourselves  by practicing. In my opinion, some photographers are being photographers started by making photography as a hobby.

2.       Reporter
As a reporter, man or woman. The job description is same. Like the name, “reporter”.  A reporter has to report about news or anything in their field. A reporter must know well about the news that they should report to public. In this thing, reporter must give the actual information. If we want to be a reporter, we have to be confident to speak in front of camera, be confident to interview people who has relevancy about something which we want to report, have much knowledge, and as addition it’ll be very good if we have skill in other language, which the most important is English. But in this era, as a good competitor, having skill in some other languages are important.

3.       News anchor
I am sure you know Jeremy Teti, Senandung Nacita, and . they are the news anchors. They read the news in front of the camera from running-text that put in front of them, next to the camera. If we want to be a news anchor, we have to have skill in news reading.

4.       Camera Person
Do you like taking video ? you can be a camera person. It’s not an ordinary recording video like people often do. If we want to be a camera person, we have to know and understand about the camera which we want to use, shoot size, angle, color composition, moving camera, and so on.

5.       Director
I think this is a great job. Because I had ever tried that even though that time I was still 16 years old, it’s interesting for me. As a director, we will work  in the project  since the beginning  until the shooting . Meeting with producer, meeting with crew, and lead the shooting. The most interesting thing is, we can direct the talents to show their best by repeating their acting for so many times until we say “cut ! let’s take next take”.
A director has to has an art too in leading shooting, and has to know the detail of every scene.

6.       Producer
In a project, producer has some job descriptions. If we want to be a producer, we have to understand about budgeting and all whole of a project. Producer will determine the crew in a project, budgeting and producer sometimes has to accompany editor when the editor edits the video.

7.       Editor
Editor takes part at the end of production. We call it as post-production. Editor is divided into two job descriptions. The first is offline editor and another one is online editor. In offline-editing, the editor has to choose the best videos from the stock of video. And in online-editing, the editor has to cut-arrange, give effect, corrects the color and make it as a good video. In editing process, an editor must have skill in software editing usage. And an editor must have the sense of art too. I am as video editor even though I am still beginner, I can see the different among videos which edited by editor who has sense of art and which edited by editor who doesn’t have sense of art.

8.       Researcher
Researcher is really important in a project. In pre-production, before the project can be run, researcher must be done at the beginning. The researcher has to research the information and licensing concerned by project.

9.       Designer
To be a designer in multimedia world, we have to have skill in software designing and have sense of art in designing. Designing is really pleasant, because we can pour all of our imagination in a design. We can create so many designs depend of what we need. Such as design of cover, design of T-shirt, logos, dress, brochure, id card, house, building, and etc.

10.   Lighting man
Shooting needs light, photography needs light, performance on the stage needs light, and those all need light. Sun is natural lighting, but for artificial needs added lighting. Lighting man is someone who has skill in lighting.

11.   Script Writer
Script writer is someone who writes the script for shooting.

12.   Web Designer
Web designer is someone who designs the interface of website. The web designer works with coding such as HTML and CSS. Works with CMS also.

13.   Animator
Animator is someone who creates the animation. Such as animation 2D, 3D, moving animation and etc.

14.   Wardrobe
Wardrobe is someone who makes up the talents in a shooting.

15.   Dubber
Dubber is someone who fills the voice in a movie.

16.   Audio Man

Audio man is someone who creates the audio from audio software or hardware. 

and there are some other jobs in multimedia area. . .

written by Siti Rahmah Hanifa
source : my knowledge and my experience :-D

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