Selasa, 19 Maret 2013

My Story in Sonic Linguistic 2013

Good afternoon guys… long time didn’t post anything here. I have a lot story which I really wanted to share, but because I was so busy in my real life, so it’s difficult enough to get some free time.

well, let’s getting started…
In these months, I joined and will join some English competitions. It seems so great even though I got little confused and tired. Firstly I want to tell you about  Sonic Linguistic 2013 competition.

Sonic Linguistic was big event, consisting 22 competitions, and it’s for national level. The competition for me started in March 9th 2013 and  The place was in MAN Insan Cendekia South of  Tangerang. It’s their annual event and the place is far enough by my house Surprised smile

I joined 2 competitions about Speech contest and news casting, it was my first national English competition. In preliminary round on  Saturday, I was the 3rd participant of speech and the last participant for news casting. I delivered my best speech for that time, and among 26 participants I was one of the 5 bests who will carry on to the final round on Sunday, I was really happy. But for news casting I just did what I wanted to do, there’s no totality and yapp I got lose. I was just the 11st  of 20 participants, hmmm so regret about my mistakes, but it was no problem, I could learn by that mistakes.

Sunday Rolling on the floor laughingyepp that day, the previous day I had been accompanied by my classmate, Asep. but on Sunday I was accompanied by Kak Iksan. He is my fella. but he wasn’t in the room when I was delivering my speech, and I did some bad things, foolish, nervous and so many mistakes I did. and I watched my competitors were really amazing, even though I knew that they were just same like me. but I realized that they were better than me.

like I guess, I was lose in the big five. Sad for a moment but I got new experience and really happy. a moment before we go home I said to kak Iksan

“I will pay this shellacking as soon as possible” Smile

---- FINISH -----

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No one can go back to the past and start it back like a new thing. But, everyone can start new thing today and create a new ending -Maria Robinson-
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