Minggu, 17 Februari 2013

My dream IS still a dream ...

Good night everyone here…

Long time no see you guys. Wait a moment, when the first and the last time we met? The answer is NEVER. Haha… who cares ? I just post what I want to post.

I have new experience about English competition yesterday. But I won’t tell you now. Because I have something in my heart which comes suddenly and hit my heart. What is it ?

It is about my dream which still a dream. I had failed to make it real, because of my mistake, what a foolish girl I was -____-

I am listening the songs, and the song are played without I know it. Selena Gomez, Hit The Light. One of my favorite song lists. But, it reminds me with something that had made me cried. Really cried..

I have followed Exchange Student program, it wasn’t exchange program, but it was still a selection, Bina Antarbudaya Foundation, AFS KL-YES. I was 1 of 833 candidates.
First Selection … I Passed
Second Selection … passed again
Third selection to national selection ----I WAS FAILED---
I repeat again, I was failed. Big possibility because I didn’t show my culture skill. Oh God… my dream which still a dream. Some people said to me “you were really great !! big 55, and you were one of them”. What the hell ??? I think I was really foolish, bad and really really careless. But I realized that it’s Allah decision. And I am sure He always gives the best things for me. and the failure is the best way for me, I am sure there will be another way to reach my dreams.

You know what ? I love English so much. It is my secondary language beside Bahasa. You may say that my English is good enough. But not, really !! I am a beginner, and I am still the foolish one. I think the best place for learning language is learning in the state whom use it as their national language. That is the reason why I really want to go to USA. I love American Language. And one thing is Hollywood. One of my dreams  is to be a team with them to produce some great things such as movie or video clip.

I really wanted to go to advanced states,  I want to learn from them. Because as teenager of Indonesia, I have the homework to bring Indonesia to be a better space for our children and grandchildren. I don’t wanna see famish people, homeless, and destitution again. I wanna make better life for me and Indonesia. However I love Indonesia so much.  Because I here, I grew up, learning, living, and know people who really teach me so much things.

My dream now is still a dream. But I will make it real someday. I hope In 2014, I can create my future. But I am realize, the way to make my dreams come true in my future is start it right now. I never stop for learning, I never stop to believe what my dreams are.
I am still remember my  teacher saying,  his name was Muhammad Faruq Nuruddinsyah, the teacher of Programming, even though he doesn’t teach me anymore, I remembered his saying
“Stay foolish, Stay Hungry !!!”

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No one can go back to the past and start it back like a new thing. But, everyone can start new thing today and create a new ending -Maria Robinson-
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