Senin, 04 Februari 2013

Bandung & Annual English Competition 5 (Part 2)

At 05:00 AM in Saturday, January 26th 2013

I woke up and went to bathroom. I loved Bandung, that morning was same like the last time I was there. The water was still fresh like ice water. And that time I remembered the first time I was there.

And after that I went to 2nd floor, watched movie with my nephew and niece, my niece has name Keyla. She asked me to talk Sudanese, but I couldn’t. And because of it she tempted me, I just laughed and smile even though in my heart I was so shy. And we took breakfast together.

Clock pointed as 11.00 AM. I didn’t know why, I felt so missing my other aunt. Her name is Elly, and usually I called her as Bi Elly. Then something came in my mind

“I have her number, I will send message for her. May be we can meet”, my heart was saying to myself. And then of course I sent her a message, and luckily my aunt replied my message. She was at her house because she’s in work holiday.

As fast as I could, I prepared myself. I put all my goods to my big bag, and I made bold to ask my uncle to lead me to my aunt’s house. And he said yes. I was really happy

When I arrived to Bi Elly’s house. She, her mother in law and her little princess were welcome me very well. I was in love with Nyanya, her little princess, she was just 2 years old. But, I was really amazed of her. Really beautiful kid, smart, cute and I love her so much. She was alike her parents, especially her mother…
My aunt brought me to many places in Bandung until 11:30 PM. What ? that was really nice day. And I will never ever forget it ^_^

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No one can go back to the past and start it back like a new thing. But, everyone can start new thing today and create a new ending -Maria Robinson-
Grand final of 2015 JCI Indonesia Public Speaking Championship. @SRHanifa 3rd Winner

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