Kamis, 31 Januari 2013

Bandung & Annual English Competition 5 (Part 1)

Good Night everyone there..
Very nice to be here. Really sorry for my late posting. I was really so busy for these days, all my activities were really tiring but I really enjoyed it. because I love my life. well let's begin...

Last Friday (it almost a week ago) i went to Bandung. That's really special day, i went there to visit my aunt, family, and to be a participant of Annual English Competition 5 at Senior High School 1 Cisarua, west Bandung.

At 03:30 PM in Thursday, January 25th 2013
My teacher or my dady ( He isn't my dady but for me He is my dady | His name is Abi Wahyu Hadi Kusuma) picked me up. We wanted to go to Bandung. He prepared everything and so did I. We went there by a motorcycle. He prepared so well, but nor with me. I forgot some things such as gloves and double sweater, it was successfully made me really cold when we were at Puncak.

Before arriving, on the ways we often took a rest. Just stopped the motorcycle and sleep for many seconds, and there was an accident which made me really shocked. We were already at Bandung, but like usually we took a rest on the left side. He slept, but a moment after it I felt so weary, I tried to go off by the motorcycle, but unfortunately we both plus the motorcycle were fallen to the high way, luckily there weren't any car or motorcycle through that way in that time. I shout "Abi, Abi, Abi" (I usually call him as "Abi" which has meaning as -dady- ), and we woke up. You know what ? my heart really skipped a beat. i was afraid and never want to do a silly thing like that again. I apologized Him and really grateful to Allah to save us from that dangerous thing.

Then, I arrived in my Aunt house at 10.30 PM on that Thursday. I usually call her as "Bi Wawa". 
I and Abi Wahyu were separated because I would spend my night in my aunt's house, but Abi wahyu would spend his night in His grandpa's house, which the distance to get there was about 1 hour.
Bi Wawa asked me to entered the house and we both talked. A moment after it, she pointed me my room and I entered a room. I was speechless for a moment and my heart was saying
"Really long time I left this room. More than 2 years ago. 
When the past time everything was completed, My Grandma, Grandpa. The first time and the last time I slept here I was with Aunty Elly.
But now, My Grandma has passed away, My Grandpa isn't here, Aunty Elly is in her own house with Her family, My Dad has passed away too" ...
I dropped my tears on the pillow, but stopped it and tried to be stronger. And I said
"I miss aunt Elly, I miss everyone when we were together here"
And I closed my eyes

------ TO BE CONTINUE ------

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No one can go back to the past and start it back like a new thing. But, everyone can start new thing today and create a new ending -Maria Robinson-
Grand final of 2015 JCI Indonesia Public Speaking Championship. @SRHanifa 3rd Winner

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