Sabtu, 12 Januari 2013

Taking Report by Myself (Again)

Happy Sunday guys and good morning !
I am sleepy right now, but there’s no more time to spend my time just for laying on my bed or just stay in my own “ Spring Fever”. I have many tasks which I have to get done.

The really one, now I want to do my first homework, about creating interactive CD for my Multimedia subject. But before it, I want to write and share about my 3rd semester report yesterday, well this is the story . . .

Yesterday was the day of taking report in my school. Like usually, students’ parents came and took the report. But not with me,  my parents were so busy in their work. And yaps, I always take my report by myself. Just 3 months ago, my elder brother took it for me. But not with yesterday.

I was so amazed, when I stood in front of the door, after the parents entered to the class room, my guard teacher, Mr Agus said to me. “if your parents can’t attend this report taking, you may enter this class and take it by yourself”. You know what ? I was really happy. I and some of my friends took the seat and sat in the class.

One rule in every report taking is, -- If you take your report by yourself, you must be patient. Because you will be the last from all who is called to receive the report--. Haha, I was so patient and enjoyed my “wait time”. I turned on my Wifi signal and got connected with school Wifi.

There are 2 Wifi in my school, one is for the teachers and another is for the students. It’s awkward, but may be 2 months ago the students’ Wifi had broken and until now just one Wifi which still active. Yaps, it’s teachers’ Wifi. And one thing you should know is, every Wifi has password to protects it, and teachers’ wifi is just known just by teachers.

But that day I connected via teachers’ Wifi. So, how could I got connection ??? a day before taking report, my friend told me about the password. And yappps…. Full of speed I downloaded Taylor Swift’s songs. And with it time felt so fast.

I was so amazed again, when I saw that  every student took the report by their parents. What the hell ? I am the one who took it by myself ???? no problem… I just wanted to get my report.. it’s remaining 2 students in the class. And it meant that my turn was a moment again

My heart beat faster and faster. I was sure that my marks will be so bad. I spent 2 of 6 months in Jakarta to get done my PKL. I didn’t understand about chemistry nor math. And I remembered when I was doing my chemistry examination I was just did it alone in teacher’s room because addition examination.

But the fact said on the contrary. My marks were good (enough). I got 3rd place, and I was very grateful to Allah SWT. But I wasn’t satisfied, because my last effort wasn’t my best. I have wasted my time to do unimportant things and didn’t study well.

But this semester, I will show me off !!! I never want to give up on my way. I get support from people around me, and moreover from my honey. He texted me and supported me to study more than yesterday. He gave more care with me, I don’t now why. But I was happy.
Thank you honey

And thank you all to read my post.
One thing that we must believe is, if we want, anything will be reached. Just believe, keep our spirit to do what we want to do.. and don’t forget to pray to Allah SWT. The miracle will come if Allah permits.
Alhamdulillah ^_^
See you later

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No one can go back to the past and start it back like a new thing. But, everyone can start new thing today and create a new ending -Maria Robinson-
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