Jumat, 30 Januari 2015

Pengalaman Kerja di Bank  Mandiri (my working experience at Bank Mandiri)

Good evening eveyone!!!! What's up? I hope all of you are fine as usual. Anyway, welcome to my posting.

Now, I will share my experience for  you all, after... Almost 6 months working as a teller *give applause* lol.   It's been so long  since  the first time I  went to the central office of Bank  Mandiri to join the selection of Kriya Mandiri Batch 10.
Showing the best of me in every part of selection, showing off my point plus as a good speaker in English, going there by train in a really early morning, by bus also. So many stories that cannot be told one by one, but perfectly saved in my memory.

After 2 weeks training in Jakarta, all of the participants of Kriya Mandiri batch 10 were sent to the nearest Region Offices from the place we are living in and based of our choose from the offer. They are around Depok, Bogor as well as Jakarta. 5 of the 30 participants were sent to Bogor Region Office including me. And some  days after it, The Letter of Working was officially issued.
Thank  God! I am placed at a near branch from my house (my house is in Cibinong, and I am placed at Citeureup Branch office). It just takes 15 until 20 minutes to be there without traffic jam. Nevertheless, for the first, I felt a little disappointed because I actually wished to be placed at Cibinong City Center Branch, 2 days before, I  had ever been placed there and I got an unforgettable moment with my colleague. Even though I was a new, but they really welcomed me, they taught me about operational things friendly and patiently. Even after working, I still remember that we sang together, playing guitar and my senior even gave me a box of chocholate, they were so friendly. Thanks in a million for 2 first awesome days, my seniors... Kak Dery, Kak Made, Kak Diana & Kak Indhira.

Even though I had a beautiful moment there, but I have amazing stories outside also. At Citeureup Branch, I have nice colleagues also, they are Mas Aji, Kak Iren, Mas Alam, Mas Uji and etc. They helped me so much in working, even when I am in problems, they help me to fix them. And my branch Manager, Mr Hery is a really great manager. He is so nice with the employees including me, he guards and supports us  as always. He has a really good soul of leadership, he is able to lead us as a manager, but he is able to be our friend also. He is a reflection of a good manager and father figure. I am admiring him, and feeling so grateful to have him until this second.

Well, let me tell you about happiness and sorrow that I have ever felt related to my scope, as Teller.   Being a teller is awesome, guys!  even though this is not my real passion, but since the first time I signed the Contract Letter, I promised to myself that my destination of working is as worship and learning. Learning to be more careful and better. Thus, I am really enjoying my days there.

As  a teller,we help people to do transaction, we serve by smile and make everybody smiles. I myself get my own satisfaction when I can help my customer to do what they suppose to, when I can give my best service for them. I feel so happy when my counting machine detects counterfeit money, when there is no defficient or exccessive balance with the system, and when we can go home on time. Lol lol lol!!!!

As an Indonesian, I am so lucky to have ability in English. Even though I am not so fluent in English, but it helps me  and my branch  office so much. Trust me! English is a useful language, even in your own country that doesn't use English as primary language. I really felt it in a bank. Even though my branch office is not in a big city like Jakarta, but there are some foreign customers who come to my office. We even have a cooperation with foreign company from Republic of China and others. I am so grateful to be relied on. In business, my branch manager always ask me to talk by phone with Mr  Y, our foreign client. Even just watsapp or replying e-mail, my branch manager always relies on me too help him. He even bring me to the foreigner office with him to lobbying the customer. I am so grateful can help more than I have ever imagined before.Thank God!

Another story that cannot be skipped is, when I got a chance to refer my vocational school to my branch office. They made a cooperation. Around 2 weeks ago, I, my branch manager and some people from the regency office came to my school. I was so happy to be helpful for my school, to make easier system by Bank service. Thank again, God!

Besides the happiness, there is sorrow of being Teller also. What is that? I think you guys have known about this. Teller, we have directly business with the physics of money, if it's less than the system, we have to replace it by our money in the same day! I sometimes can't imagine if there is that problem when I  have no money even just 50k, but Alhamdulillaah as time goes by, my carelessness is decreased and decreased. Besides that, we have to be really careful about counterfeit money. Ah, do you know guys? Nowaday, the makers of counterfeit money are really smart. They can copy  the money by 99% similarity. and sometimes it made me confused, but this is our responsibility.   Anyway, I gotta go now, thank for visiting. See you guys

1 komentar:

  1. Hay Siti, it's nice to read your blog. Ah, u can call me iit. Last week, i had applied for kriya mandiri officer. I think i wanna ask some questions to u. May i have ur line ID? It's much better to have a personal chat :D
    Thanks before anyway :))



No one can go back to the past and start it back like a new thing. But, everyone can start new thing today and create a new ending -Maria Robinson-
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