Sabtu, 18 April 2015

2015 JCI Bogor City Public Speaking Championship

“We could develop citizen by developing ourselves first. In public speaking, it seems like we are doing something only within ourself. but actually it's not that limit. From public speaking, we can sharpen our thinking, point of view and ideas to be covered well and conveyed well. Shouting our voices to gain other power to create a better tomorrow"

Participants of 2015 JCI Bogor City Public Speaking Championship
Public speaking is a common skill that should be had by everyone. Moreover for some people who must have the ablility to speak up in front of public.  More than it, as a citizen who have grown up from varieties of public speaking competitions, for me, public speaking ability has important role in forming selfconfidence, the way of thinking, point of view, expressing ideas and proposing it. It could change ourselves personally, and it also would make this world to be different, to be better.

Zulfikar, one of our judges

Junior Chamber International known as JCI is one of my experiences in public speaking. It was 2013 when I became the participant of JCI Bogor City Public Speaking Competition 2013. 2 years after, I was given the opportunity  to hold that competition.

Being a project leader of this competition was an amazing moment in my life. All of us know that public speaking is an individual competition, but behind of it, there are super team who exsist to make that competition happen. And of course, the event would not be held without the great team. Vice President of JCI Bogor City 2016: Yossika, Juju, Dudu; and other members of JCI Bogor City helped me so much. I could felt how T.E.A.M works in a team (Together Everyone Achieve Miracle).

Also, along the competition, I saw the participants showed off their performances with their creativity, thought, inspiration, spirit and sincere to make a change. Millennium Development Goals as the theme of the competition developed their courage. And here are the winners of 2015 JCI Bogor City Public Speaking Competition.
The Winners

For Khoirunnisa Nabila, congratulations for being the 1st winner and grabbing the golden ticket to go to national level!

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No one can go back to the past and start it back like a new thing. But, everyone can start new thing today and create a new ending -Maria Robinson-
Grand final of 2015 JCI Indonesia Public Speaking Championship. @SRHanifa 3rd Winner

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