Kamis, 27 Desember 2012

A Part of My Days

Good evening everyone there..
Hi, i come again to write all in my mind right now. Still in my school holiday, after examining 3rd semester, i feel better than before. But you know what ? i can’t know the result of my learning because the time for taking report is postponed until January 21st, yap exactly it’s next mont. But who cares ? i know that my hope to get  the 1st place for 3rd semester had vanished, because 2 of 6 months i spent it for my work field practising. And of course it had disturbed my school time. But, for me it’s not the problem, i get so much experience when i do my work field practising at NPCI. National Press Club Of Indonesia, PT. Pilar Gemilang. Well, lemme to tell you my story there.

As the student of vocational school, my major is Multimedia, of course i would get the work field practising. I did it at the middle of Jakarta, Indonesia Bazaar media center, komplek Sultan Hotel. I was researcher, reporter/journalist  and Transcripter,. Even though i didn’t touch editing turn, but i knew Brother David and Brother Welldy, someday i want to learn by them, because they are the masters of editing. ^_^
In my PKL (short called for work field practising), i was guided by Kak Ully and Kak Irfan, they both were so friendly to me and taught me so much thing, oh really i want to say thank you so much. One day i will come to NPCI and meet you all, insha Allah. I knew Kak Fify too, she was so ageless and really kind to me too.
I have the bosses too. Mrs Imelda and Mr Nurul, they both are amazing people. Mr Nurul is the field teacher of my vocational teacher, Bu Dyah. And Mrs Imelda is special staff of Mrs. Ani Yudhoyono. They are the founder and owner of the company.
I met people who i don’t know before. And they changed my life, they changed my mindset about something in me. They taught me about many thing which I don’t know before. Manner, how to be professional worker, loyalty and etc. I really like it, but just the way to Jakarta made me tired, really tiring, from my house @Cibinong to middle of Jakarta, it took 2 hours. It’s really good if I got the seat to sit, but I often stood instead sat. yapp there’s so much Cibinong people who work at Jakarta. So just patient. But, I met some people who helped me in many times, they gave the seat to me, oh really thank you 
I can’t tell anymore because it’s too long to be told, hehe. Well, now I have been waiting the instruction to have done my report of PKL. And this holiday… I have my own notes about “what I must do” in my holiday. Uggh, it really takes my time, I am so lazy. But if I lazy, how about tomorrow ? I want to be somebody to my future, so  I must do more when I wanna get more J moreover with my amazing dream for my future. Just learning learning and love learning. Still remember what my teacher has said, “stay hungry stay foolish”- Mr. Muhammad Faruq Nuruddinsyah. 

Today, I have a hope too. I don’t know is it can be true or not, but I want to effort for it, and I ensure myself that I can give the best performance for it. What is it ? I want to be a participant of Annual English Competition 5 at Bandung, West Java. Just gonna try it and be the best of me. I hope it can be true… aamiin. 
See you later guys. Thanks to read my post

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