Jumat, 28 Desember 2012

Our Dream and Our Life

This life is very full of colors. Yaps, that’s the sentence in my mind right now.

In my life, i met,  i found people who are so amazing and really great in my eyes. Whether I know well or not, they are really inspiring me, and I am sure that it works too for you. Just imagine this one, who wasn’t touched when someone  see people who inspiring him/her with somebody’s success,  talent or anything ?

Do you have the idol who inspiring you and makes you say “waaw !!!!” ? I am sure you do, or the least,  do you have a dream and someone has what you are dreaming about, and that someone inspiring you? What do you feel when you see that someone in front of you? When you read the history,
the news about her/him, watch him/her in the television or watch their movie ? of course something happened in your heart, your heart beats faster and your mind says “you are so great”.

We have our own dream, aspiration, perspective and mission. We have our dream world and reality life. We may dream, dream big. It’s not wrong, it’s the right way to make yourself more confident and build your aspiration. But, don’t let your dream just be a dream. Make it real !! we don’t have to be succeed in our dream, but we must effort to make it real. Succeed or failed, don’t see it. But we have to enjoy our real life with our adventure life. I mean not just laying on the bed or hang out to enjoy our life, but enjoy this life can be done by do much thing which we like to build our dream in my dream world to be real.

I am still 16, and really, if I may honest, I don’t know what I want to be, I just know I was a little girl whom have to searching who I am, and what I want to be. And I am growing up. Sometimes I listen people talking about the other, critic, opinion and sometimes they want to know about the others, privacy and anything. And I am not a hypocrite, I do it too. But in the quite time who only I and my mind in that time. I thought about something, I thought, it’s really foolish to know about people, yes I agree we need to know about people as social creature, but not for further about them moreover with their bad side. Everyone has bad side, and so we do. but more important thing is know further about ourselves, our own self. Find who we are, get what we want to get, and be what we want to be ! know ourselves more and more, deeply than everything. As teenagers, we are growing up,.. growth is certain, but mature is option.

Someone has ever said to me, I am mature before the time. But, the fact shows that I am still childish. And this is the time to grow up and be a mature. I am rowing my little ,boat, and I will land in my own island. I believe I can find myself, and I believe I was born to be somebody.

For you all, don’t ever stop for dreaming ! do your best ! be what you want to be ! do everything you like. If you are not yet find who you are, don’t be down. Do what you like ! and find yourself ! trust me, we can be somebody in our future !

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