Minggu, 30 Desember 2012

Night But Morning

Good night everyone..
Have you slept right now ? now is 11 PM already. What are you doing now ? may be 15 minutes again I will go to my bed, but I won’t get lose my time to write again and may be I will post this written tomorrow. Because there is no internet access right now.

Everyone in this house already slept except I and my elder brother. We have spent time together. we have watched a movie “Orphan” on my laptop, really horrible movie.
Can you imagine a little girl who just 9 years old is killer, oh no ! she isn’t a little girl, she is a lady, 33 years old. But she pretended like a little child, really insane girl. I really like to watching movie.
Let’s back to real life. I love tonight, tomorrow night we will, you I and everyone will celebrate new year celebration. I am not patient, really ! I love to see fireworks, firecracker, and the voice of trumpet. But the mean of new year is how to be a new self and be better than last year.

Ok, why I love tonight ? because even though tonight wasn’t new year night, but I and family, with our neighbor get the dinner together. it’s not an ordinary dinner, we bought roasted fishes, made rice liwet and eat together at the house field. We ate it on the banana leaves. We laughed together, we talked together and got happiness.

Then after it, I asked my family who their age are almost near with me and the children to play a game on my smart phone. We were really enjoy this night. All the beauty night tonight was the gift from Allah SWT.

Really grateful to Allah SWT for all these gifts.  Thank you so much, I hope we will always be safe and near with God, may God bless us always. Aamiin
Thank you to read my post… see you later for my next post.
Good night, have a nice dream 

i wrote this post last night, but i post it this morning, so i say again... good morning guys ^_^

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No one can go back to the past and start it back like a new thing. But, everyone can start new thing today and create a new ending -Maria Robinson-
Grand final of 2015 JCI Indonesia Public Speaking Championship. @SRHanifa 3rd Winner

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