Sabtu, 21 Mei 2016

Build Our Generation, Build Our Nation

“The most valuable person is the one who cherishes the value in others.” 
― Ron Kaufman

The future value within children are sometimes unseen. It occurs because it has not been shaped due to their long process as just a child. It is sometimes the thing that some parents do not give their care too much. But however, it is essential to be shaped even since they are children, because they are in 'Golden Age', they are our next generation, and they would lead this country someday.

Selasa, 03 Mei 2016

Merry Riana Corporate Ambassador, MRCA Batch 4

Merry Riana Corporate Ambassador, komunitas ini saya ketahui dari teman saya baru-baru ini. Meskipun sudah ga asing sama kata "Merry Riana" yang film Mimpi Sejuta Dollar nya udah pernah saya tonron, jujur saja saya emang ga tahu menahu soal komunitas ini. Berbekal ajakan dari teman, saya ikut saja seleksinya. 29 Februari 2016 deadlinenya. Tahapan demi tahapan saya lalui sampai saya lolos. Dari tahapan seleksi tersebut, salah satunya yang paling menarik buat saya adalah membuat video 2 menit tentang Aku & Merry Riana :


No one can go back to the past and start it back like a new thing. But, everyone can start new thing today and create a new ending -Maria Robinson-
Grand final of 2015 JCI Indonesia Public Speaking Championship. @SRHanifa 3rd Winner

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