Sabtu, 16 April 2016

A Little Gift for My Teacher

I have ever heard that being late is better than never. Thus, even though your birthday was yesterday, I still want to say,

"Happy Birthday my inspiring teacher! Mrs Nining Sertyaningsih!"

Let me share a little story about me and her, an inspiring teacher.

Mrs Nining was my English teacher as well as my homeroom when I was in the 2nd grade of junior high school. She was my first English teacher who brought me to the competition world, she was like my mother who introduced me to the new world.

She is a kind of teacher who teaches without demanding anything but success of her students. She used to saying to her students for doing the best in every chance. Not to give up, not to be impolite and not to forget her when we as her students get success. She just wants to know how successful her students are, and that's enough for her. Her students' success is her happiness.

She is not a kind of teacher who's greedy with her knowledge. I even still remember the remarkable moment in the class. I still remember what she said, until now...

"If you want to have more English vocabulary, even more than what I have. You can apply this :
See what you see, 
Write what you see
and memorize what you write"

I never forget it, I even apply it in my daily until now. I had a little note which I used to update the vocabularies. I see what I see, write what I see and memorize what I write. And nowadays, when the technology grows fast, I even still apply what she said but I apply it in a different way. I use my smartphone. I make a little note on Note Application, and again, I see what I see, write what I see and memorize what I write.

I don't apply it only for me. But then, since I graduated from my Junior High School, wherever and whenever I have a chance to study with my friends or teach my students, I used to sharing it for them.
And today, in your birthday, I want to give this for you miss, a little gift for my special teacher. Here you are, miss...

It was 1.5 year ago when I share what you have taught me, miss. That picture wasn't made by me. But by those great students. I was about to cry when I saw it few days ago. I was so surprised when I knew that they still remember what I taught which I  got from you, miss. 

Thank you, thank you so much miss Nining. (even though now you have married and have a little princess, I still wanna call you miss nining), thank you for everything, every every little thing that you have taught for me. I will always share those amazing words and other knowledge also to people around me. 

I wish all the best thing in your life, your family especially your little princess.
Miss, I love you...
We love you...

1 komentar:

  1. Hallo haniii... Tulisannya menginspirasi sekali :)
    Boleh ya sontek tipsnya biar bisa selancar kamu :)
    ~see what you see~
    ~write what you see~
    ~memorize what you write~

    salam buat miss nining



No one can go back to the past and start it back like a new thing. But, everyone can start new thing today and create a new ending -Maria Robinson-
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