Sabtu, 07 Januari 2017

Jihad : What does it mean for you? – PART 2

In a religious sense, as described by the Quran and teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (s), "jihad" has many meanings. It can refer to internal as well as external efforts to be a good Muslims or believer, as well as working to inform people about the faith of Islam.

Here are what Muslim youths say from some countries where Muslims live as a minority :

“Jihad to be is something that every individual has to go through. It is the internal and external conflict that arises when one tries to be a good Muslim and spread the message of Islam. In simple terms to me, it is the fight you have with yourself while deciding if you need to wake up for Fajr or continue sleeping.” Asaad Ebrahim Sallie, 17 y.o  from South Africa

“Jihad in my meaning terms to fighting in the path of Allah” Mohammed Shazan Thalha, 19 y.o from Sri Lanka

“Jihad means a struggle.  At different levels whether personal, spiritual, social, political.” Aisha Hamdulay, 22 y.o from South Africa

“In its linguistic sense, the Arabic word Jihad means "struggle". Although the word is often defined as "holy war" and associated with violent Islamic rhetoric, in its core the word describes both the internal and external efforts an individual undergoes to better themselves as a Muslim. This can range from very basic every day things, such as avoiding debauchery, or in my case, living in a Western Society. A Muslim is often exposed to at least one major struggle in their life, to which is a test for them in this dunya. ” Salma Irawan, 19 y.o from Sydney, Australia

“Jihad is a struggle that can be political, physical or spiritual. Jihad is that compelling aspect in your life. It's what you have to do in order to overcome.” Deen du Preez, South Africa

“I know that it means fighting in the path of Allah. And that you get jihaad of the nafs which is when you fight yourself to do what's right, like self struggles/ fighting your desires” Kaamilah Cornelius, 20 y.o from Cape Town, South Africa

“Jihad means fighting for the sake of Allah that's what I think jihad really is” Fayad, 19 y.o from Colombo, Sri Lanka

“Jihad - an inner battle, something we need to overcome to be a better person.” Shifah Abrahams, South Africa

“It is working in the service of Allah. Working to gain his pleasure and mercy” Ismaeel Hamdulay, 21 y.o from South Africa

“the meaning of Jihad for me is a fight against enemies of islam” Shiham, 19 y.o from Sri Lanka

Then, what does jihad mean for you? Give your comment below

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