Rabu, 15 Februari 2017

Show the beauty of Islam to people around you : Muslim youths speak

I am Shifah Abrahams from South Africa. As a  part of a Muslim students association at my university. We have events where we invite non Muslims and we teach them about Islam. We have talks about various topics which are important to us as Muslims and we invite non Muslims to attend.

I am Rani from Indonesia. Islam teaches us about care, love, responsible and sincere. Just apply it in our daily to show the beauty of Islam, even if we don't realize it. Because Islam is not only a religion but the way of life.

I am Fayad from Sri Lanka. For showing the beauty of islam, I say about the simple things in in islam of how we can enter jannah and and its not conplex living as a muslim but simple, like even a few good qualities may lead you to jannah.

I am Aisha Hamdulay from South Africa. Hopefully through the person I am everyday people can see islam. I also take part in da'wah initiatives.

I am Deen du Preez from South Africa. I'm really friendly with non Muslims. I show them respect but remain stern in my ways.

I am Kamiilah from Cape Town, South Africa. I mostly just try to be friendly to everyone. Most people won't approach me because of the niqaab so I try to be friendly so they will ask me about it rather than assume things about the niqaab(like oppression for example). I haven't done enough to show the beauty of islam, but I will try my best.

I am Salma from Sydney , Australia, In a less obvious way, by veiling in a western society I am representing beauty in Islam. To what seems as a mere cloth in the eyes of the naive, the scarf, or the notion of modesty as a whole represents a form of beauty in its own respect. To me, the hijab is a form of Taqwa - God consciousness - which frames and upholds my spirituality. The hijab is a constant reminder to Allah, thus helping me avoid Haraam in society, as well as to represent Muslims in the wider community.
In a more literal sense, I am a part of an initiative called "Millennial Muslims" a progressive publication within the Muslim Youth that addresses issues within the Muslim community and also the general public. It aims to normalise and de-radicalise the notion of Islam whilst creating a platform for young Muslims to voice their say.

I am Shazan from Sri Lanka, To show the beauty of Islam we have conducted many islamic competitions and exhibitions.

I am Ismaeel from South Africa. I've always made it clear to all my friends (Muslim and non-muslim) that my house, my home is always open for them. They've seen this and experienced it. I've always treated everyone I've come into contact with fairly and kindly. I've tried to be the most genuine person to those around me.

I am Shiham from Colombo, Sri Lanka. I have told stories of our prophets and how they handled situations easily to show the beauty of Islam.

I am Asaad from South Africa. We have started a youth leadership program. It educates people on the beauty and practicality of Islam. We have hosted many events that showcase the generosity of Islam and how beautiful is it like the youth leadership program and Mass iftaars in ramadaan.

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No one can go back to the past and start it back like a new thing. But, everyone can start new thing today and create a new ending -Maria Robinson-
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