Kamis, 31 Januari 2013

Bandung & Annual English Competition 5 (Part 1)

Good Night everyone there..
Very nice to be here. Really sorry for my late posting. I was really so busy for these days, all my activities were really tiring but I really enjoyed it. because I love my life. well let's begin...

Last Friday (it almost a week ago) i went to Bandung. That's really special day, i went there to visit my aunt, family, and to be a participant of Annual English Competition 5 at Senior High School 1 Cisarua, west Bandung.

Sabtu, 12 Januari 2013

Taking Report by Myself (Again)

Happy Sunday guys and good morning !
I am sleepy right now, but there’s no more time to spend my time just for laying on my bed or just stay in my own “ Spring Fever”. I have many tasks which I have to get done.

The really one, now I want to do my first homework, about creating interactive CD for my Multimedia subject. But before it, I want to write and share about my 3rd semester report yesterday, well this is the story . . .

Jumat, 11 Januari 2013

Silly Bet At School

Well I say good night for you all who are dreaming in your sleep right now.
Tonight isn’t really nice night for me. Actually now I am sick, exactly with my left eyes. It got sick since some days ago, but it’s not problem. Insha Allah it will be better soon. Now is rainy and cold, but I don’t care. I am still on my laptop for typing everything.
Really sorry for my late posting. I was really busy in my days, ouhhh this is the 1st week of 4th semester in my school, Generasi Madani Vocational School ( SMK Generasi Madani). Well, what had happened this week ? it’s so much happened… But i want to tell you about a silly bet.


No one can go back to the past and start it back like a new thing. But, everyone can start new thing today and create a new ending -Maria Robinson-
Grand final of 2015 JCI Indonesia Public Speaking Championship. @SRHanifa 3rd Winner

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