Sabtu, 21 Desember 2013

The Smile That Makes Me Cry In Happiness

 Today, I could say nothing. I was just speechless when I saw that smile, only my heart which could talk and cry over than before. There was no tear on my face, but there was so much tear in my heart. I cried in the happiness, I felt so blessed and I was like the luckiest girl in this world, to be given the best life and the greatest mother within my life.

Selasa, 17 Desember 2013

Becoming Best 10 in National Short Story Competition | ENGLISH NITE 2013

My certificate and my short story which recorded within :-)
Hello guys, how are you today? hopefully you are in good condition right now. Welcome to my new posting :-)

Well, I will tell you about my experience in my first english short story competition at Airlangga University, East Java.
I had ever joined a writing competition, exactly poem writing when I was Elementary student. even though I have been used to be fond of writing, I have never joined a kind of the competition like this short story.

Senin, 18 November 2013

2 Great Nights : ERASMUSINDOCS2013 and Being a Broadcaster ON AIR !

Good morning guys !
Zao Shang Hao !

Now, I am listening “Everyone is Number One” by Andi Lau. That’s a Mandarin song, I am being in love with Mandarin language, I think that’s a unique language. But I am not really serious to learn it, because actually for these 2 months I have been preparing my English Test. Please pray for me J

Kamis, 05 September 2013

Unexpected-Day : I am chosen to be participant of INEFFEST 2013

Today is the 5th of September 2013,
A day of my life which never can be forgotten from my mind. This is one of my story …
This is about the short-term scholarship of film-maker workshop which I have gotten this afternoon.

Now, I am a 12 grader of private vocational school, SMK Generasi Madani, Cibinong Bogor. Exactly in multimedia vocational. I am used to be learning about graphic design, animation, broadcasting, including film-maker.

Once upon a time (read that word like when you’re telling a story telling, hehe), in 27 of August 2013 at the rest time, I and some of my friends (Rizky, Ulfah, and Angga)

Minggu, 25 Agustus 2013

Varieties of Job In Multimedia Area

Happy Sunday everyone !

How are you today ? it’s been so long time I hadn’t posted anything here. But now I am here to post my article about “Varieties of Job In Multimedia Area”. Why it should be in multimedia area ? because I am the 12 grader of multimedia school, a vocational high school. And this is my 1st  and special English homework in this last year. Yeah insha Allah in 2014 I’ll graduate from this school. Pray for me, please!
Well, these are some varieties of Job in Multimedia Area :

Selasa, 19 Maret 2013

My Story in Sonic Linguistic 2013

Good afternoon guys… long time didn’t post anything here. I have a lot story which I really wanted to share, but because I was so busy in my real life, so it’s difficult enough to get some free time.

well, let’s getting started…
In these months, I joined and will join some English competitions. It seems so great even though I got little confused and tired. Firstly I want to tell you about  Sonic Linguistic 2013 competition.

Minggu, 17 Februari 2013

My dream IS still a dream ...

Good night everyone here…

Long time no see you guys. Wait a moment, when the first and the last time we met? The answer is NEVER. Haha… who cares ? I just post what I want to post.

I have new experience about English competition yesterday. But I won’t tell you now. Because I have something in my heart which comes suddenly and hit my heart. What is it ?

Senin, 04 Februari 2013

Kamis, 31 Januari 2013

Bandung & Annual English Competition 5 (Part 1)

Good Night everyone there..
Very nice to be here. Really sorry for my late posting. I was really so busy for these days, all my activities were really tiring but I really enjoyed it. because I love my life. well let's begin...

Last Friday (it almost a week ago) i went to Bandung. That's really special day, i went there to visit my aunt, family, and to be a participant of Annual English Competition 5 at Senior High School 1 Cisarua, west Bandung.

Sabtu, 12 Januari 2013

Taking Report by Myself (Again)

Happy Sunday guys and good morning !
I am sleepy right now, but there’s no more time to spend my time just for laying on my bed or just stay in my own “ Spring Fever”. I have many tasks which I have to get done.

The really one, now I want to do my first homework, about creating interactive CD for my Multimedia subject. But before it, I want to write and share about my 3rd semester report yesterday, well this is the story . . .

Jumat, 11 Januari 2013

Silly Bet At School

Well I say good night for you all who are dreaming in your sleep right now.
Tonight isn’t really nice night for me. Actually now I am sick, exactly with my left eyes. It got sick since some days ago, but it’s not problem. Insha Allah it will be better soon. Now is rainy and cold, but I don’t care. I am still on my laptop for typing everything.
Really sorry for my late posting. I was really busy in my days, ouhhh this is the 1st week of 4th semester in my school, Generasi Madani Vocational School ( SMK Generasi Madani). Well, what had happened this week ? it’s so much happened… But i want to tell you about a silly bet.


No one can go back to the past and start it back like a new thing. But, everyone can start new thing today and create a new ending -Maria Robinson-
Grand final of 2015 JCI Indonesia Public Speaking Championship. @SRHanifa 3rd Winner

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